This is our fourth production of Dick Whittington, the last being in 2006. That previous production was when Chris and Sylvia Bradley joined, along with Steve Eddison. Steve’s role then (and also this year) was Alderman Fitzwarren
A few other current members also appeared 10 years ago: Kathy Allan was Tom Cat, and Ross Crowe was Sarah the Cook (the same as this year). Sue Hewerdine was Dick W in 2006 – she isn’t appearing this year, but her daughter Jasmin is one of our dancers.
Most things are different though. We have several new members for 2016 – Geoff Edwards, Ethan Camilleri and Thomas Hewitt. Plus Rosie Winton, a long-time member of the Variety Show, who plays Dick Whittington for us in her first panto role.
Then there’s Collett Bellamy, who had her stage debut last year as half of Neddy the horse. Having got the taste for performing, she has now joined our chorus. And finally, there’s Sophie Wright. Although she’s listed as a member of the backstage team, she was also persuaded to make a brief memorable appearance as the dancing gorilla!
Steve Atkinson and Kathy Allan co-produced. Steve wrote the script, his first attempt
A digital projector was again used this year, instead of painted backcloths. The time saved was used to good effect. About 12 large scenery “flats” were constructed out of reinforced cardboard and painted by Kathy, to help give more perspective on the stage. They will be kept and hopefully used again in future.
Lastly, having had reasonable success with our experiment with colour LED lamps last year, we hired some for this year. These are much more powerful though, and we mounted them at the side of the stage, to give a strongly shadowed effect. See for yourselves, on the following photos. The intention is to buy our own lamps for next year

2016 Dick Whittington - And with all these rats, he'll never go hungry

2016 Dick Whittington - And this husband makes chief's heart go ding-a-ding

2016 Dick Whittington - Get on with it. I have evil to do

2016 Dick Whittington - Frothy, foamy, full-fat milk

2016 Dick Whittington - And no more catfood. It's making me-oww

2016 Dick Whittington - Don't worry Alice, it's only a friendly little octopus

2016 Dick Whittington - Well fought, Dick Whittington

2016 Dick Whittington - Very handy, sez I

2016 Dick Whittington - We can take over the world!

2016 Dick Whittington - I'm Penny and I want a pink parasol

2016 Dick Whittington - I - am - completely - dopey

2016 Dick Whittington - As long as he needs me

2016 Dick Whittington - Polly be bashful, like

2016 Dick Whittington - I am under your power

2016 Dick Whittington - King Rat really is a meanie, but at least I get to wear my new bikini

2016 Dick Whittington - We go together

2016 Dick Whittington - Footloose

2016 Dick Whittington - Very convenient, says Polly

2016 Dick Whittington - I'm Brigitta and I don't need a governess. Oops, wrong show!

2016 Dick Whittington - Lambeth Walk 1

2016 Dick Whittington - Hornpipe 2

2016 Dick Whittington - Pantomime tonight 1

2016 Dick Whittington - Hoo-ray and up she rises

2016 Dick Whittington - View from backstage-1

2016 Dick Whittington - Concentrate. Got it

2016 Dick Whittington - And you've got very manly arms as well, Doris

2016 Dick Whittington - Lambeth Walk 2

2016 Dick Whittington - The mountain regions be pretty spectacular, I've heard

2016 Dick Whittington - Look Daddy, this clever cat has caught all these rats

2016 Dick Whittington - You see I have inspected for rats for so long, I've started to look like one!

2016 Dick Whittington - Community song

2016 Dick Whittington - In the Navy

2016 Dick Whittington - Bad behaviour

2016 Dick Whittington - Pantomime tonight 5

2016 Dick Whittington - They wouldn't take little Rex. They said he was too rough

2016 Dick Whittington - I don't suppose you can cook

2016 Dick Whittington - Pantomime tonight 2

2016 Dick Whittington - How about we get someone else to steal the money for us

2016 Dick Whittington - Some people have lovely eyes

2016 Dick Whittington - Then we sail away as rich rats!

2016 Dick Whittington - My name is KING Rat

2016 Dick Whittington - My, that's a fine ship you have there

2016 Dick Whittington - Well hello front-side. And you at the back, well you know what you look like!

2016 Dick Whittington - The bells of London, I'll use their power

2016 Dick Whittington - And now you're a chicken

2016 Dick Whittington - Jaws

2016 Dick Whittington - So sorry to spoil your big day, Whittington!

2016 Dick Whittington - That certainly be an impressive chest

2016 Dick Whittington - Lambeth Walk 3

2016 Dick Whittington - And you will remember nothing when you wake up

2016 Dick Whittington - Pantomime tonight 3

2016 Dick Whittington - And what makes some people nicer than others, Dick?

2016 Dick Whittington - Dick Whittington is in love with Alice. Ah, that's right sweet!

2016 Dick Whittington - If I might digress, don't I look pretty in this dress!

2016 Dick Whittington - Yes! Then we can buy a puppy!

2016 Dick Whittington - What shall we do with the drunken sailor

2016 Dick Whittington - Who said fat!

2016 Dick Whittington - View from backstage-6

2016 Dick Whittington - Oh come on - I'm a bigger widow that that!

2016 Dick Whittington - Brilliant!

2016 Dick Whittington - Earl-eye in the morning

2016 Dick Whittington - And I had an absolute whopper in the trouser department

2016 Dick Whittington - View from backstage-2

2016 Dick Whittington - Today is special day, so will not eat you. Is good thing!

2016 Dick Whittington - And I am Dozey Doris, his beautiful girlfriend

2016 Dick Whittington - Is nice old man, but chief prefers man with more ooooh

2016 Dick Whittington - Mind 'ee, the sea looks rough, Polly

2016 Dick Whittington - Big pockets, that'd be safe

2016 Dick Whittington - Come what May 1

2016 Dick Whittington - Te-hiva

2016 Dick Whittington - View from backstage-4

2016 Dick Whittington - View from backstage-5

2016 Dick Whittington - Do - not - touch - that - cake!

2016 Dick Whittington - Oh Tommy, this is the saddest day of my life

2016 Dick Whittington - Let us see what is collected in pot!

2016 Dick Whittington - And when I am rich and famous, I will marry a beautiful girl

2016 Dick Whittington - Pantomime tonight 4

2016 Dick Whittington - I'll just arrange for the lovers to meet

2016 Dick Whittington - Come what May 2

2016 Dick Whittington - So there's just this stupid boy and his stupid cat guarding the treasure?

2016 Dick Whittington - I gave the Alderman catfood for tea - he nearly broke his neck trying to lick his bottom!

2016 Dick Whittington - Where be Polly - I be needing him to add colour to me story

2016 Dick Whittington - We - want - custard - pies!

2016 Dick Whittington - Really? Foolproof, you say

2016 Dick Whittington - Pantomime tonight 6

2016 Dick Whittington - Hornpipe 1

2016 Dick Whittington - Fitzwarren can be Saturday husband, when is nothing on Sky

2016 Dick Whittington - It's daddy's latest invention - he calls it his IPAD

2016 Dick Whittington - What was I thinkings!

2016 Dick Whittington - And the ship is full of sailors who haven't seen a woman for weeks

2016 Dick Whittington - Shave his belly, with a rusty razor

2016 Dick Whittington - Don't be silly, Tommy. Why would rats want to steal the money?

2016 Dick Whittington - I'm Jack, Idle Jack to be honest

2016 Dick Whittington - Hello hello hello - I would like

2016 Dick Whittington - Sort of. A little bit. I could probably put it back

2016 Dick Whittington - And here's something for your cat

2016 Dick Whittington - And Doris has a really cute chihuahua

2016 Dick Whittington - View from backstage-3

2016 Dick Whittington - Fight

2016 Dick Whittington - I was just in the girlie section of Next

2016 Dick Whittington - Look into my eyes

2016 Dick Whittington - Pantomime tonight 7