Dennis Willis took over as producer, and does this and the next four, using his own scripts. Lauren Atkinson joined this year, as a dancer. Unknown to her she’d been on the waiting list for several years, and her name had come to the top! Her dad Steve came along as chaperone, and made the mistake of saying “I’m here anyway for Lauren: is there anything you’d like me to do?”. In no time, he was helping Chris Bradley backstage, making props, filming the show and making the DVD! He also made an old-fashioned “slap-stick”- two pieces of wood hinged together to make a loud slap sound for when the Dame hit a naughty schoolboy with a cane. Deliberately mis-timing the hitting and the sound got four big laughs from the audience.
Judith Hartley also joined: initially asked along to audition for the pivotal part of Tyson the Dog, she ended up as Musical Director (and Ruth Kerrigan was the Dog!). Keeley Camilleri, Robin Moorby and Steve Clayton also joined.
For the past few years, the programme just showed one block of about 30 “Dancers”. From this year, the dancers were shown as Group 1 and Group 2, roughly matching primary and secondary school ages, a system we still use

2008 Babes in the wood 11 (from left Margaret Mclean, Jackie Willis, Cherry Lake, X, Sally Capp, front Tracey Blackburn)

2008 Babes in the wood 15

2008 Babes in the wood 39

2008 Babes in the wood 26

2008 Babes in the wood 34

2008 Babes in the wood 17

2008 Babes in the wood 18

2008 Babes in the wood 09

2008 Babes in the wood 20 (back from left x,x, next Amelia Ashton, Sophie Wallace, Lauren Atkinson,next Daisy Ashton,front x, Briony Colton, Georgina Clayton)

2008 Babes in the wood 05

2008 Babes in the wood 21

2008 Babes in the wood 13 (from left x, Sophie Wallace, Daisy Ashton, Briony Colton, Amelia Ashton, Georgina Clayton, April Willis, Lauren Atkinson)

2008 Babes in the wood 25

2008 Babes in the wood 10

2008 Babes in the wood 31

2008 Babes in the wood 35

2008 Babes in the wood 00 Programme

2008 Babes in the wood 30

2008 Babes in the wood 28

2008 Babes in the wood 29

2008 Babes in the wood 37

2008 Babes in the wood 14

2008 Babes in the wood 22

2008 Babes in the wood 27

2008 Babes in the wood 19

2008 Babes in the wood 06

2008 Babes in the wood 03

2008 Babes in the wood 23

2008 Babes in the wood 02

2008 Babes in the wood 01

2008 Babes in the Wood 45

2008 Babes in the wood 24

2008 Babes in the wood 36

2008 Babes in the Wood 47

2008 Babes in the wood 32

2008 Babes in the wood 38

2008 Babes in the wood 12

2008 Babes in the wood 33

2008 Babes in the wood 04

2008 Babes in the wood 08

2008 Babes in the wood 16

2008 Babes in the wood 07