Steve Atkinson, one of last year’s three co-producers, takes over as producer, with Kathy Allan as assistant. Steve Eddison wrote the script
Phil McCall and Kerry Ratcliffe re-join, after a year off, plus Tracey Blackburn from the Worrall panto group. Charlotte Branson is cast as the apprentice Fairy Godmother but has to drop out, and newcomer Lucy Simpson takes over.
Lisa Brothers volunteers for the costumes job, but then has to pull out. Jackie Willis takes up the reins to sort out the bulk of them, then hands over to Tracey to finish off.
Lauren Atkinson takes over as sole children’s choreographer, having shared the role in 2012. For the seventh year, Judith Hartley continued her joint role as Musical Director and adult choreographer, but illness is to make this her last one.
You won't be going to the ball - not now, now ever!
They wouldn't dare, not when we've got all these cream tarts
Hello darlin', need your pipes lagging?
Cunning little blighters, they are
Give it here - that should have gone off by now
Don't worry Cinders - I've forgotten my lines!
The men I marry tend to have a limited life expectancy
I know - let's swap clothes
You said I could be your Assistant. You promised!
I need to resuscitate this woman
And parts of her have been over-exposed
Prime Minister! Prime Minister!
Consider yourself - part of the family
This is the last Assistant Fairy Godmother I shall ever train
Please stepmother, let me go to the ball!
Consider yourself ------ one of us!
Hold me up, my little sausage roll, I think I'm going to faint
Just wait till you stepmother sees this kitchen
You can do anything, but lay off my blue suede shoes
How very dare he! It's just the way my dress hangs
Cinders is my secret love --
He's the town crier. It's just one of his jobs
Things I'm learning about you --
My darling girls will arrive soon
I need something that rhymes with enormous rockers --
You can come down now, Webster
Will you put those planks down!
Look at this place - it's a total mess!
Who cares, what ever we got we share
Mummy knows we wouldn't do anything naughty
Well theres a couple of beauties right here
The entire cast of Cinderella, Jan 2014
I completed a triple bypass in just my pants
Consider yourself - part of the furniture
No mention of a life-threatening pantomime bomb on my list
You sent him away dear - 'travel the world my boy' you said
We don't want to have no fuss ---
I would love to, but what with the nation's large arrears ---
I say these words and you fall down!
Let's tell mummy what a mess Cinderella has made
So Webster, victim number 13 is almost in my grasp
Come on sister, or we'll never get this cream whipped
Oh yay! I have a small proclamation
You silly girl. It does not say pour in the whole bottle!
A ticket to the ball! ooh, thank you mummy!
I tore off all my clothes to make a parachute
Shall we continue with the marathon --
You're not in need of a job, are you, Cinderella? I might have a position going soon
Come on everybody, and clap your hands
You - you're alive! Yes it would appear so, my dear
And who's this? I know, it's the dirty serving girl
You hold the bowl and I'll pour the cream
We are polished and gleaming with charm
Will you watch what you're doing with those planks!
There's nothing wrong with being small
And where will we find an audience at this time of night?
What a lovely girl. I wonder who she is?
Jugs of cream and four idiots - what could possibly go wrong --
Let's see what Delia says about extravagant tarts
Do I have to explain everything?
What rhymes with Snickers....?
My word. You're an ugly old codger!
This, your Baronessness, is a slaughter pistol
Don't worry Cinders, your stepmother says the girls are quiet and shy
Consider yourself - at home
And won't the girls go wild when they feast their eyes on me!
Darling I'm so excited I might just steal a kiss
I don't care that he's just a servant - I don't want to lose him
He is Dogsbody, my government
I wanna be loved by you alone - boo-boop-idoo
Well I can tell you Cinderella, you shall go to the ball
Rum and coke? Yes please dear
Look out there ladies, and you will see the finest panto audience since ---
My wife is a little under-developed
The Baron's invisible saxophone
Now then sunshine, I'm going to take down your particulars
I mean, I've not had the pleasure --
They don't call me king swivel-hips for nothing, you know!
Better the devil you know
Awooga! Oh dear, I'm doing it too
I mean I've not actually seen her in the flesh --- I should hope not!
Is that you, pumpkin of my pie
Lets do the Timewarp again
It's a pile of pongy pigeon poop!
Well it's one for the money ---
You ride around in a stolen car --
Have you ever seen anything as captivating as my hour-glass figure
It's gonna be a blitz and it goes like this
When the landlord comes to call
Whoa ladies, watch out for my blue suede shoes
It's clear, we're, going to get along
Getting to hope you like me --
I'm thinking of having my pelvic floor laminated
Gluteus maximum - ooh I love them Roman soldiers
Oh you poor old lady - take my sticks