In only her second year, Kathy Allan is elevated to the star part of Dick’s cat, Tom. Elevated is perhaps the wrong word, as she had to scamper about on hands on knees most of the time. Worse still, during the shipwreck scene, she had to stumble around on the deck of the ship in a stormy sea, whilst the gleeful backstage chaps threw buckets of water over her. Then, while she drip-dried in the cold dressing room, Kath Ivermee the costume designer had to pick splinters out of her knees with tweezers. Health and Safety? What’s that!
In one show, Kathy had forgotten to go on stage and was happily chatting away downstairs whilst Mr Whittington was ad-libbing like crazy, having lost her cat! Sue Wasden as Dick had all the audience looking under their seats whilst Tom Cat was drinking a nice warm cup of tea, oblivious to the panic!
One of the chorus songs was “Arrival of the Guests” from “White Horse Inn”
“We maids can all be trusted, To keep the rooms well dusted
We change and air the bedding, We keep the moth from spreading
Heigh ho! Life is hard, you know
For a Chambermaid is always on the go”
Another was “Lambeth Walk”
Sound is mentioned for the first time as a job, assigned to Andy Granger. Also mentioned is the Clavinova electronic keyboard, which is still on stage, and is still used for Variety shows.
Gill Travis appears for the first time this year, joining Mick and Becki. They will all leave at the same time though, after the 2007 show.
Mick Travis had apparently been cast as Idle jack. However one snowy night, he and Roy and their families had been out, celebrating something. Drink, shall we say, had been taken. Back home, it was decided that Mick needed help to remove some layers of clothes. As his socks were being violently pulled off, he was catapulted backwards (pirouette was the word used) and hit his ribs against the table, cracking a couple of them. When this was eventually realised, through the fog of alcohol, he was taken to casualty to be strapped up. It meant though that Idle Jack’s antics were too much for him, so he was re-cast as the more sedate Alderman Fitzwarren, and Roy became Idle Jack.
Ken remembers having to chase Katie Ivermee (as Alice) off stage. He then had to run downstairs and around to reappear at the other side of the stage, and chase someone else off. However, that someone else was missing, so Katie ran with him, to reappear again, and to be chased off stage again.
Stepping up from assistant producer, Joan Ritchie is co-producer, with Ross Crowe.

1994 Dick Whittington 58 (from left Kathy Allan, Ross Crowe, Roy Ritchie, Sue Wasden)

1994 Dick Whittington 27 Roy Richie

1994 Dick Whittington 34 (Everybody wants to be a cat)

1994 Dick Whittington 25 (from left Katie (Ivermee) Bullock, Sue Hewerdine)

1994 Dick Whittington 07 (Margaret Fielding)

1994 Dick Whittington 53 (from left Sue Wasden, June Salt)

1994 Dick Whittington 00 Programme

1994 Dick Whittington 54 (from left Ross Crowe, Roy Ritchie, x, x, Kathy Allan, x)

1994 Dick Whittington 55 (from left Roy Ritchie, Ros Crowe, Alex Fletcher, Kerry Morley)

1994 Dick Whittington 02 (from left Ted Hampton, Joan Carr)

1994 Dick Whittington 29 (from left Ross Crowe, Roy Richie)

1994 Dick Whittington 33 Anything goes (from left Cheryl McLure, Julie Kitchen,Linda Ellis,Ross Crowe, Ann Brothers,x,x,Carly Redgate)

1994 Dick Whittington 08 (Ted Hampton)

1994 Dick Whittington 12 (from left Sue Hewerdine, Roy Richie)

1994 Dick Whittington 65 (from left x, Rita Hampton, Ted Hampton, Ross Crowe, Lynne Loxley, Ann Brothers, Pauline Milner, Joan Carr, Linda Ellis)

1994 Dick Whittington 22 (from left Mick Travis, Katie (Ivermee) Bullock)

1994 Dick Whittington 17 (from keft Kerry Morley, Katie (Ivermee) Bullock, Mick Travis, Roy Richie)

1994 Dick Whittington 66 (from left Katie Ivermee, Ken Fielding)

1994 Dick Whittington 14 (from left Sally Crowe,x,Juliet Birkby,Louise Loxley)

1994 Dick Whittington 31 (from left Kerry Morley,Roy Richie,Ross Crowe)

1994 Dick Whittington 10 (from left Ross Crowe, Kathy Allan, Sue Hewerdine)

1994 Dick Whittington 16 (from left Ross Crowe, Sue Hewerdine)

1994 Dick Whittington 59 (from left Ken Fielding, Sue Wasden)

1994 Dick Whittington 36 (from left Joan Carr, Ted Hampton)

1994 Dick Whittington 01 (back from left Barbara Woodhouse, Cheryl McClure, Gill Travis, Linda Ellis, Ann Brothers, front Pauline Milner, Julie Kitchen,Lyn Loxley,Lorraine Lightfoot)

1994 Dick Whittington 03 (back row from left Lynne Loxley, Pauline Milner,x,Jill Travis,Linda Ellis,Cheryl McClure, middle from left Ann Brothers, Lindsay Hill, Julie Kitchen, Rita Hampton, Lorraine Lightfoot, front Carly Redgate)

1994 Dick Whittington 37 (from left Gill Travis, Sue Hewerdine in brown, Ann Brothers, Ken Fielding, cat Kathy Allan, far right Roy Ritchie)

1994 Dick Whittington 60 (centre Margaret Fielding)

1994 Dick Whittington 23 (from left Katie (Ivermee) Bullock, Kathy Allan, Sue Hewerdine)

1994 Dick Whittington 19 (Kerry Morley)

1994 Dick Whittington 62 (from left Kathy Allan, Sue Wasden, Katie Ivermee, Linda Ellis, Mick Travis, Cheryl McClure)

1994 Dick Whittington 28 (from left Roy Richie, Ross Crowe, Alex Fletcher, Kerry Morley)

1994 Dick Whittington 26 (Ross Crowe)

1994 Dick Whittington 09 (from left Gill Travis, Ross Crowe, background x,x,x,x,x,Joan Carr, Linda Ellis)

1994 Dick Whittington 61 (from left Cheryl Kitchen)

1994 Dick Whittington 05 (frm left Alex Fletcher, Kerry Morley)

1994 Dick Whittington 24 The storm (from left Roy Richie, Ross Crowe, Kathy Allan)

1994 Dick Whittington 32 (from left Roy Richie, Kerry Morley, Ross Crowe)

1994 Dick Whittington 57 (from left x, Elizabeth Buckley, Katie Rowland, Charlotte x, x, Juliet Birkby, Louise Loxley)

1994 Dick Whittington 21 The Carnival is over (from left Lindsey Hill,Carly Redgate,Ann Brothers,x,Mick Travis,Ross Crowe,Kathy Allan,Roy Richie, Kerry Morley, front Katie Ivermee, Sue Hewerdine

1994 Dick Whittington 06 (from left Carly Redgate,Lynn Loxley,Pauline Milner,Gill Travis,Ann Brothers,Linda Ellis,Lorraine Lightfoot,Julie Kitchen,Cheryl McLure, Rita Hampton, Lindsay Hill

1994 Dick Whittington 64 (from left Mick Travis, Ken Fielding)

1994 Dick Whittington 04 (from left x,Pauline Milner,x,x,Ann Brothers,Carly Redgate,x,Linda Ellis,Lorraine Lightfoot,Lindsay Hill,Rita Hampton,Debbie Woodhouse)

1994 Dick Whittington 38 (from left x, Rita Hampton, Linda Ellis, x, Jared O'Mara)

1994 Dick Whittington 13 (from left Ross Crowe, Kathy Allan, Sue Hewerdine, Roy Richie)

1994 Dick Whittington 15 (from left Kathy Allan, Sue Hewerdine)

1994 Dick Whittington 35 (from left Roy Richie, Kerry Morley)

1994 Dick Whittington 11 Lambeth Walk (front Rita Hampton, Ted Hampton, back from left Lynne Loxley,Julie Kitchen,2nd from